by Jacinta | Aug 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
Entries are now officially open for the NSW Inspection and Registration Day. DATE OF INSPECTION: SUNDAY 8 JULY 2018 LOCATION:TRAINOR EQUESTRIAN5855 Illawarra HighwayAvoca NSW 2577 Thank you to committee member, Christan Trainor, who has opened her property for the...
by Jacinta | Aug 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Irish Draught and Sport Horse Society of Australia Inc. is pleased to launch our latest initiative – the Best performed Irish Draught or Irish Sport Horse sponsored Events Calendar.There are 14 proposed sponsored events across NSW, Victoria and Queensland in...
by Jacinta | Aug 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
Dear Members, The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Irish Draught and Sport Horse Society of Australia Inc. will be held on 26th November 2017, in Victoria, at the property of our President, Glenn Dear. The address is:14 Maywood RoadCranbourne South, VIC 3977 Google...
by Jacinta | Aug 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
We would like to thank all our members for making a huge effort for coming out in the FREEZING cold last Sunday!!! It was so wonderful to see so many Irish horses in one location. A big congratulations to all of our winners, especially to Jacqui Pearce and Celtic...
by Jacinta | Aug 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
~~~**ENTRIES ARE OPEN**~~~Entries for the Irish Draught and Irish Sport Horse National Breed Spectacular open Sunday 1 October via Event Secretary – sure to have your membership up to date and any pre-registrations...
by Jacinta | Aug 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
~~~ Expressions of interest – ALL STATES ~~~ IDSHS are now taking expressions of interest from all states for Studbook Inspections and Irish Sport Horse Registrations.If you could please contact the Society with:• Your Location• How many horses you would like...