Last year Irish Draught and Sport Horse Society of Australia Inc. invited owners and riders of Irish Draught and Irish Sport Horses to respond to a participation survey. The analysis of that survey is attached.

Your responses were used to design the IDSHS (Aust) Inc. Best performed Irish Draught or Irish Sport Horse Sponsored Events Initiative with numerous events sponsored across NSW, Victoria and Queensland in Dressage, Eventing, Jumping, Show Horse and Working Equitation.

At each of the sponsored events, IDSHS (Aust) Inc. sponsors an award for the Best performed Irish Draught or Irish Sport Horse with winners at each event will receiving an inscribed wool kersey or cotton rug.

As you can see from the attached calendar, there are still plenty of events scheduled for 2018. The list of events is provisional and open to change based on your feedback. Please do speak up if you have alternate suggestions.

Conditions do apply, including the owner/competitor being a current financial member, horses registered or pre-registered and the need to submit an ‘intention to participate’ in a sponsored event via the official nomination form (attached) prior to the event.

Calendar and Intention to Participate Form can also be found on:

Kind regards,

Shauna Coffey
Committee Member
IDSHS (Aust) Inc.

Survey Analysis

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Sponsored Awards

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